Sunday, 28 June 2015

Best websites

Best websites
Code Project

          It is the best website for the programmers. If you follow this site it will make you as a best programmer. Here we can learn contemporary programming techniques. It will weave you as the best.


Stack overflow

          Stack overflow is the Question and answers website. When you stumble while doing programs and you doesn’t know where the error lurks. Just post the question on stack overflow and get answers. Create the account in this then you will get lot of questions to answer. By exchanging your ideas your professional quality get beauty.



          When you get bored or get free time just enter into this site. Your mood rejuvenates. This is best DIY (do it yourself) website. It has Astounding lessons to make the things yourself.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

12 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

1) Learning a foreign language boosts brain power.

2) A person’s ability to multi-task is developed.

3) The onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s is stalled.

4) Memory is improved.

5) The mind becomes keener.

6) Polyglots are seen to display improved decision-making ability.

7) The first language is improved.

8) Performance in other academic areas is enhanced.

9) It makes a person more flexible and open to other cultures.

10) Foreign language expands career potentials.

11) It builds self-confidence.

12) It aids in self-discovery and self-actualization.

Know more

Learn English

It is best website to improve your English Knowledge

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Developing the mobile apps is very easy Now.

Hi There
If you are a web developer, It’s easy to develop mobile applications.  You must know about HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Apache Cordova is a platform
for building native mobile
applications using HTML, CSS
and JavaScript

You just follow these links  you can get clear knowledge about developing the mobile apps

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

The IT people must read and follow to improve their skills

Magazines to read
   1.   Digit
   2.   PCQuest
   3.   LifeHack (Online magazine)

   The Digit and PCQuest magazines contain CD with lot of suffs in their. If you follow, you are updated.

Monday, 8 June 2015

How do I copy all file names in a folder to notepad?

1. Goto "Run"
2. Type  "cmd"
3. In command prompt type

dir "folder path" > output file name.txt /b /o


dir "D:\websites\static" > output.txt /b /o

Now  open the output.txt 
